Caution: If you call yourself a video game collector, this guy will make you feel very, very inadequate.
Honestly, I never saw the allure of holding onto old video game systems but after watching this video, I am sorely nostalgic for all my old consoles. Everything in this collector’s room is gaming-centric, from the furniture to the items hanging on the wall–it’s fantastic, and I want to play some Pitfall!
I’ve seen plenty of collector videos, and it’s refreshing to see one where the narrator actually sounds intelligent and slightly older than 12, and there isn’t thrash metal music blaring throughout the whole thing. Being shot in a single take, the camera moves around the room, but it doesn’t have me diving for the Dramamine. This is how to make a video of your collection!
[Via Geekologie]
jboypacman says
I used to have a few of those great systems myself before i sold everything off and this guy has a fantastic set-up for his collection which i really like.
I need to show my friend Chris this video to inspire him to fix up his collection because he has a amazing one himself but is all packed away in rubber tubs in his basement sadly.
flywheels says
Wow. I mean wow. I love those custom cabinets for the all the systems. I once had 16 systems hooked up to my television. Then I got married and had to make room for my wife’s crap…I mean stuff.