It’s Valentines Day, so I thought I would list some of the things I love most in life. If you’re married or in a relationship, and your list doesn’t start with your wife or significant other, then you’re doing it wrong, and I wish you the best, my friend. I’ve been married to the love of my life for 20 years, and while I may not exhibit my romantic side as often, or as well as I once did, believe me when I say that the love is as strong as ever. I love my wife and my kids more than life itself, but let’s see if I can’t elaborate a bit for this exercise…
I love creative people and their passion for ideas that have little chance of success–the world needs its dreamers.
I love to draw, though I rarely do.
I love stupid things but can’t tolerate stupid people.
I love the sound of a laughing child.
I love people and objects that are older than me and the stories they tell.
I love finding packages on my doorstep.
I love the smell of a room filled with old books and leather chairs.
I love rock ballads by 80’s hair bands.
I love a rainy night.
I love to suspend disbelief, and firmly believe every weekend should include a movie marathon.
It’s a tossup whether I love monkeys in people clothes more than people who dress up as monkeys.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
I love quoting movies, especially those that star Clark W. Griswold.
I love a parade.
I love making order out of chaos.
And probably more than anything, I love the thrill of the hunt.
I’m not the only one laying it all out there this week. Check out what some of my fellow members of the League of Extraordinary Bloggers are showering with praise.
Nice list.
And, couldn’t agree more …
“If you’re married or in a relationship, and your list doesn’t start with your wife or significant other, then you’re doing it wrong”
I agree. Although admitting that those things are a given, as if lists like these are almost too trivial to include those HUGE kinds of… SACRED kinds of love… would be okay with me (I would forgive it, even if MY WIFE would not forgive it if she were say… reading my blog and noted her absence…) as long as that were explained in the first place… and honestly if you’re going to go to that much effort to explain why you’re NOT listing those things… you might as well just… list them.
Your wife would not forgive it. 😉
You had me at “chimp.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Thanks, Mike!
Any plans for a more in depth view of the shelves? I can see some very drool-worthy items that warrant further inspection.
Definitely! I need to take some good photos of the new arrangement.
I’d love to see that too. I really enjoy reading about your collections. You’re very focused in what you collect and display, and that’s nice. I live with a bit too much chaos right now to enjoy my stuff 100%. But at some point I’d like to really trim the fat and have a set-up I’m really satisfied with. I like that your enjoyment and satisfaction with the things you collect shine through in how you write about them.
Thanks Derek, that is some high praise indeed. I was in your shoes for most of my life but once I started to narrow my collecting focus, I really did get more enjoyment out of collecting, and I also had more money available for the items I really wanted. But, then again, ask me in two years what I like to collect, and I might give you an entirely different answer then the one I would give you today!
Great list. Love the picture of the display. Any plans to add a Super Powers Batman and Superman to their respective shelves? ; )
I have been on the lookout for both of those for a while now. I try to stick with pre-1980 items for the most part, but I would make exceptions for those figures.
“I love a rainy night.”
And on that note, cue the music…
Dex, I figured you might be one of the few to catch my Eddie Rabbit reference. 😉
Any list that references Eddie Rabbitt is a winner in my book.
I’m with Dex on this one, it hit me immediately…
But do you love those windshield wipers slappin out a tempo keepin perfect rhythm with the song on the radio-o-o?
Have you seen the new previews for Fast & Furious with Vin Diesel and the Rock?
I have, and I am looking forward to it in all its glory!
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Ahh, Apoclypse Now. Awesome film. And I too got the Eddie Rabbit reference.
Then you and I can be friends, Dan. 😉
I love a MEGO Batmobile
You’d be crazy not to!
Fantastic display sir and I couldn’t have said it all better myself.