I take the kids to this show every time it comes to town. This show wasn’t as good as previous ones, but there were some fun things to see.
I have always dreamed of having a vast model train layout in the basement but the hobby is just too expensive. The pre-built display above would set you back almost $5,000.00. If anything, these shows reinforce in my mind that in order to create the railroad empire I would want, I would need to sink thousands of dollars (and hours) into it. It’s really too bad the big companies in the model train industry don’t try to lower the financial bar a bit so that kids could enjoy the hobby. It seems like you need to be retired and fairly well off in order to take up the hobby.
So for now, I will have to enjoy other people’s hobby, but one of those old Lionel locomotives would really look great on my bookshelf.
(Even the model railroaders are getting in on the energy debate!)
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