Oh Craigslist, how do I love thee? I have been stocking the shelves for the long cold winter ahead, and made a big purchase of 80’s toys today. How big? Well, it almost didn’t fit in my car…
Six large boxes full of toys! Let’s see what was inside…
There was quite a variety of 80’s toys, with a heavy emphasis on GI Joe vehicles. Star Wars was pretty well represented too.
Every time I make a purchase like this, I am transported back 30 years to when I played with all these toys as a kid, and the memories alone almost make it all worth it. Almost.
I was happy to see these guys in the box. I have been trying to get all the 1985 and earlier GI Joe figures for my own collection and Snake Eyes was one that was missing, until now. All those GI Joe figures as loosy-goosy as they get, but I’ve replaced an o-ring or two in my day, so I’ll be able to tighten them up. Anyone know what that tiny Cylon Raider guy is from in the lower left corner?
One of the boxes was using these Matrix figures as padding (rightfully so). The Micro Machines are always cool, but the packaging on these is pretty beat up.
This guy is the sole reason I responded to the Craigslist post. I had one of these as a kid and have always wanted him back. This diecast Voltron figure weighs about 482 pounds and was produced in 1981. Seriously, you could kill somebody playing with this toy. I’m almost afraid to separate him out into the individual lion figures because I’m sure to break something, but one of these days I’ll work up the courage.
And of course in every large lot of toys, there is always a large assortment of accessories that need to find their match. Guess what I’ll be doing tonight?
I’m going to keep some of the old Joe figures, Voltron, the APC and HISS Tank, and that Stormtrooper head, but everything else is fair game. If you see something you want, drop me an email and we can work out a deal.
jboypacman says
Brian buddy how do you do it? You find some of the most amazing hauls! Congrats on everything and are those Secret Wars Doc Ock and Spider-Man figures? I might interested in those if they are. : )
Brian says
Nope, those aren’t the Secret Wars figures. I think they are from the 1990 Marvel Superheroes line.
kngfu says
The Cylon came with the classic BSG Cylon raider ship with firing/choking missiles. My friend had the Cylon ship and the Viper(?) too. Do the matrix figures have any articulation?
Brian says
Thanks for the info! Those Matrix figures look like they don’t move much, if at all.
jboypacman says
Ah from Toy Biz then? if so i might be interested in the Spider-Man still if he is in good shape.
Brian says
Jboy, if you pay for the shipping, I’ll send them both to you.
Russell says
I’ve spotted a few parts that I NEED to complete some GI Joe restorations that I’m working on! You’re the man Brian! Here’s what I’m interested in so far…
GI Joe Tomahawk Shell: I completely restored one last year and dropped it by accident and it smashed into a million pieces 🙁 I felt like such an idiot when that happened. I was so mad! I’ve been looking for a cheap shell to come up for sale so that I can get the rotors and engines from it.
I’m also looking for some parts for the GI Joe Headquarters so can you take some better pics of that?
Star Wars mini rigs and Hoth Playset. – As you know I’m restoring these as well and you have some parts here that I need to complete the last set I got from you.
Die Cast YWing – I want this please.
I see WHALE parts and I’m specifically looking for the rear fan attachments. I see the fans in your parts pile but not the attachments. I would need a better look at all the parts to pick out pieces that i want. IS there any way you can lay them out and take pics?
Please set this stuff aside for me and we’ll email back and forth to work out a price.
Does Snake Eyes have both his thumbs?
That Voltron is AWESOME!!!
You made out like a bandit on this one Brian. Email me back and I’ll give you a rough estimate on what this is worth if you were to put it all up on eBay.
Brian says
Hey Russ! Sadly one of Snake eyes’ thumbs is broken. 🙁
I just sent you an email and will send some more pics so you can choose the arts you need.
Jason says
Every time you do a post like this, I’m left dumbfounded! That Voltron is definitely the jewel of the lot. And, is that a Super Powers Batman? It looks pretty beat up, but I may be interested, as I’ve been looking for one for a while. Are his joints loose as well? Let me know, we can talk. 🙂
Mike says
Great haul! Love the Doc Ock and Spidey figs. If they are avalible, I’d like a crack at them.
Russell says
Hmm which thumb is broken? Maybe I have the opposite hand because mine is broken too but I don’t want to pay retail price for a non broken thumb Snake Eyes. He’s expensive!
kngfu says
That looks like a Mego World’s Greatest Heroes Batman.
Brian says
I haven’t been able to figure out that Batman figure yet. I thought it might be a pocket hero but it’s not. It is from 1979 and has a rubber head and cape. Unfortunately, it looks like he was a chew toy at some point.