There weren’t many sales again this weekend but we had to get out there and at least try.
For me, there’s nothing worse than pulling up to a yard sale and seeing someone walking away with a giant bin filled with Legos and action figures, but that happened at both of the yard sales we hit on Saturday. Five minutes makes all the difference in the world of yard sales.
I didn’t really find much on this outing, but my kids made out pretty good…
This is what $11 gets you at a yard sale (not counting the Tron ship). This was such a fun haul because it had these three massive vehicles. I usually don’t like buying big items because they cost too much to ship if I sell them on eBay, but these were bought to be played with, so we certainly couldn’t leave behind the Millenium Falcon!
This Batmobile is HUGE! It’s from 2003 and was recalled due to the large fins poking kids’ eyes out across the country, but it’s pretty darn cool. One side’s cockpit detaches to become a Bat Motorcycle, and there is a shooting missile at the front. It came with a creepy Joker figure and an 80’s Batman figure — both of whom look tiny in this vehicle. Did I say this thing is big?
I cheated a little by putting that Tron Light jet in this picture. I went back to Target and got that vehicle off the clearance rack for $7! Tron toys may have been duds, but that ship is a really impressive toy, and my kids will certainly get $7 worth of enjoyment out of it.
Here’s another massive vehicle — a 2005 GI Joe R.O.C.C. vehicle with the driver, Long Range. This is a fun vehicle that folds out into a command base, and it reminds me of the older GI Joe vehicles I had as a kid. This vehicle originally retailed for $40, and the Light Jet, Millenium Falcon, and Batmobile were probably sold around that same price point. Sure, these may be missing a few parts, but for play time, you simply can’t beat a yard sale’s prices.
Well, that’s what the weekend gave up for us. How did you fare?
Wow man, you have consistantly good luck! Awesome finds!!
You. are. killing. me! Do you know how long I’ve been looking for that Batmobile?! On top of that fact that I recently found the detachable Robin pod at a thrift store, but not the rest of the car. I swear, Brian, you’re turning me into the Salieri to your Mozart!
LOL I’ll hold onto this one for you. Make the trek out west and you can have it. 😉
That R.O.C.C vehicle looks like it’d be pretty fun to play with. I’m loving the price drop on all of the Tron toys. I thought they were kinda cool when they came out but not for the prices they were selling for. I’m buying them up now that their like 75% off most places.
Agreed. I picked up the large Sam Flynn figure last week and was tempted by more due to the LOW prices. The movie projector face is kind of neat.
I’m loving the big vehicles! I keep mine, too. No way I hate going through the high-priced shipping hell with larger items.
I didn’t have a big haul this weekend either, but next week we’re striking gold and hitting up multiple thrift shops. We may need lots of coffee..
Good luck, Van! Be sure to let me know what you find!
That Batmobile does look awesome. I also like the Thing movie figure.
For whatever reason, I keep finding action figures of the Thing. None of the other Fantastic Four, just the Thing.
I now have 2 of those Batmobiles in incomplete states. I can never find the parts I need or a complete one in my (rummage sale/flea market) hunts.
Yeah, I know this one is missing the connector piece that goes between the back fins, but I’m not sure if anything else is missing..
I always loved that R.O.C.C. I really wanted to make a custom Optimus out of it for the longest time, right up until I realized I have no artistic skills and don’t know how to make customs. Other than that, though, I think it would have worked out pretty well. I ended up passing on it though, even when they re-released it for the 2.5″ Joe figures.
Nevertheless, great haul! There’s still a few more weeks left of Summer – I can’t wait to see what everyone else picks up!
An Optimus Prime R.O.C.C.? Now that’s something I’d like to see!
Very nice Brian congrats on the fun finds. : )
Thanks, John!
Hey Brian,
When you are out garage saleing, can you keep an eye out for any of the original Martin Caidin Cyborg paperbacks?
They are the books the Six Million Dollar Man was based on. Actually, any of the Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman books. I’ve been looking around myself and I’ve been able to grab the first two and the novelization of the bigfoot episode. However, I nearly exhausted my sources.
The others I need are:
Cyborg: High Crystal – Martin Caidin (also labeled as Six Million Dollar Man)
Cyborg IV – Martin Caidin (also labeled as Six Million Dollar Man)
Six Million Dollar Man: International Incidents – Mike Jahn
Six Million Dollar Man: Pilot Error
Six Million Dollar Man: Wine, Women and War
It’s been really hard to find these. Actually an eBay auction
just posted with all of them but the bidding went over $50 which is too rich for my blood for 3 books I own and 6 I don’t. I just thought it you are out and about like me and you happen to spot some of these, you’d be kind enough to help a fellow collector out.
I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a Cyborg novel today. 🙂
Anyway, thanks, man.
Sure thing Paxton! I always like having something new to look for. We have some really good used book stores around here, and I’ll check them out too.
‘WHAT!-No vintage g.i.joes in your endless search for g.i.joe gold!-not even the ever popular:”1986 COBRA NIGHT RAVEN S3P BLACK V.I.P. JET TRANSPORT PLANE”?
I need one small fin piece for my batmobile, if anyone has this piece I”D be willing to buy it from you.I have the exact same model in the picture. My e-mail is if interested, thank you.
Hola, me interesa el vehículo de Gijoe ROCC, haces envío a Chile), gracias, favor contáctame: