Here’s a trailer from an upcoming film by Patrick Rosenkranz that’s all about collectors and their passions–an idea I can certainly get behind.
I could hang out with any of the folks in this video. I may not collect the same things they do, but collectors are some of the most interesting and knowledgable people in the world. I can’t wait to see the whole documentary.
What a great idea for a documentary. I, too, can’t wait to see the whole thing!
Can’t wait for it to come out.
It’s out and ready to be collected by the hot sweaty hands of collectors everywhere.
So it is! Check it out:
Thanks Patrick, and if you ever send out review copies to “media outlets” I (ahem) know someone who almost qualifies. 😉
Now this will be fun to watch!
This sounds pretty neat! I’m always curious about people’s collections, and how they define them.
Me, I’m a modern toy guy. So, for example, I know that there were ‘x’ MASK figures made in a certain year. For me, that means that when I have one of each, I’ve collected them all and then I can be done. I win.
But for stuff like prototypes, or old tin litho or posters or things where there’s just no way to know what all is out there, I’m always fascinated by how collector’s choose what to buy, what to keep, and when to stop or keep going.
We had a large collection of marbles and spittoons we auctioned off about a year ago, and the whole sale, I kept wondering about the inner workings of who collects each of these things and how and why – not to mention that both came out of the same estate, so it was one dude who had devoted his whole life to these two pursuits with, seemingly, no crossover appeal.
I’m going to have to check this documentary out, and get a better peak inside the mind of the collector!
I approach collecting with the shotgun approach. I tend to collect whatever I think is cool rather then zeroing in on a single area or product. It might be a movie poster made 80 years ago or one where the ink is barely dry, or it might be something outside the realm of “pop culture” entirely, but if I come across something that just appeals to me, I might bring it home.
That’s cool.
What I’m curious about is this – there’s gotta be items that you are on the fence about. When you see something that catches your eye, but ultimately you end up setting it down and walking away, what is that through process like,and what ends up being the deciding factor?
Ha! That’s when the “practical factors” take over: how much is it, how much space is it going to take up, how hard will it be to store/display, and most importantly, can I hide it from my wife.