A while back, a notice from Acme Archives Direct popped up in my Twitter feed about this print, and as soon as I saw it, my finger was clicking on the “Buy Now” button. This thing sold out lightning fast, so I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
I’m a big fan of Dave Perillo’s work but have missed out on buying his pop culture prints in the past. I think this was a pretty good start…
This silkscreen print, titled “It’s the Muppet Show,” had a print run of 200 signed and numbered copies. It measures 18″ x 24″ and came with a nice little certificate of authenticity.
Perillo’s illustrative style is in full effect and I like the color palette he used — not necessarily what you would expect — which gives it a really warm and friendly feeling.
Animal reminds me of a little guy a know, so I think this print will soon be framed and hanging on the wall in my youngest son’s room. But maybe I’ll hang it in my cave for a little while first. 😉
Tommy says
That’s awesome!
Rondal says
Hadn’t heard of this one, but I love Parillo’s work as well. Great find!
jboypacman says
My wife would love this!
Mart says
Great design, looks very vintage. Just the way i like it!
Matt says
Perillo is awesome.
Paxton Holley says
That print is AMAZING. OMFG, I love it.