I collect a variety of things, but my favorite thing to collect is movie posters and lobby cards. Mexican lobby cards have art that just melts my brain (in a good way). Throughout this month’s Countdown to Halloween, I’ll show you a few gems from my collection. So, let’s kick things off with this beauty — the Creature from the Haunted Sea!
The monstrous claw in this poster might be a tad deceptive. Check out the monster revealed at 1:16 in this video clip to see what I mean.
“Be calm everybody. The boat’s insured.” Love it!
If the trailer wasn’t enough, you can actually watch the entire movie online. Skip to 1:03:00 if you want to see where Steven Spielberg stole all his ideas for Jaws (the thief!).
If your time is limited, just go to 1:11:00 and watch the amazing climax. Thank you internet.
Cool! I need to pick up some lobby cards one of these days…
I have a thing for kung fu movie posters and lobby cards too.
Nice! If you ever want to share some photos, I might know a site that would love to help you out. 😉
Very cool. I would love to grab some lobby cards and posters from the ’66 Batman movie and the ’78 Spider-Man movie that was released over seas.
Hmmm, I think I may have Mexican lobby cards for both of those! I don’t really care for the cards from the 70’s and 80’s since the paper went from a thick card stock to a flimsy glossy paper. The older cards are really much better to look at.
The most un-frighting monster i have seen lol but i love it!
Oh, Brian you magnificent bastard. You have me loving vintage lobby cards. The artwork is amazing. The two you sent me were ridiculous. I even attempted to pick up a Mexican Bionic Man lobby card on eBay but was outbid at the last moment.
Movies back in the day had better titles. Creature from the Haunted Sea. That is just BAD ASS.
Keep trying Pax, those Bionic Man cards show up fairly often. It would look great with all your Bionic Man paperbacks!