Clear some space on the book shelf, because there is a whole lot of awesome coming out soon from the folks at Gallery 1988. I was lucky to get a review copy from the publisher, and let me tell you, THIS BOOK ROCKS!
Crazy 4 Cult: Cult Movie Art is an art book that compiles tons of the best pop culture-themed artwork produced for Gallery 1988’s Crazy4Cult exhibits. The introduction is written by none other than Kevin Smith, who does a great job of being Kevin Smith. There are 176 pages filled with amazing paintings, sculptures, and digital art that covers just about every 80’s pop culture icon you can imagine.
From the dust jacket:
Your favourite cult movies, as you’ve never seen them before! The annual Crazy 4 Cult art show in Los Angeles has quickly become a phenomenon, with thousands of visitors, a million hits on its website, and high profile buyers including Joss Whedon, Guillermo del Toro, JJ Abrams, Kevin Smith and Edgar Wright. Why? Because the cream of the pop culture-influenced art scene – including Shepard Fairey, who created the now legendary Obama ‘Hope’ poster – come together to celebrate cult movies with art that is surprising, beautiful, and very, very cool. This lavishly produced book presents the best of the first 4 years of the show, with art inspired by such movies as The Big Lebowski, Edward Scissorhands, Blade Runner, Donnie Darko, Clockwork Orange, Pulp Fiction and many more.
Some of my favorite artists are represented, including Mike Mitchell, Scott Listfield, Dave Perillo, Eric Tan, Tom Whalen and Kirk Demaris. If I had Bill Gates’ bankroll, I would own every one of the works of pop culture art shown in this book, but seeing as how my funds are slightly less than Mr. Gates’ this book is the next best thing.
G4TV put together this video about the Gallery 88 exhibit, and gives you a pretty good idea of the awesomeness you will find in the pages of the book.
You can buy a copy at Amazon or other retailers when it is released on June 21.
Um, yea, I need that. It will look perfect coffee table. 🙂
I can’t recommend it highly enough. It really is fun to flip through.
Oh, and they have a Shepard Fairey poster that is the exact same as the one he used for Mondo’s “They Live” poster. It looks like he took the lazy route and recycled his own work for Mondo.
Yea, I noticed that when I was skimming through some of his artwork last week. Such a missed opportunity. I should just stat making my own posters. 😉
I’ve been to this show and it was alot of fun. I highly recommend that if your in the Los Angeles area and G1988 has a show going on definitely make the time to check it out.
I wish I was anywhere close to Los Angeles. Maybe they’ll have an East Coast show someday. I can always hope!