Anyone remember Crossbows and Catapults? My brother and I played that game for hours, until all the colorful discs slid under the refrigerator, and then we just used other small toys to fling at each other’s castles. This was one of my favorite games as a kid, and with the recent announcement of the Angry Birds board game, it looks like my own boys will get to experience that same thrill.
I know a lot of people are already hating on this game, but to me, it looks like it could be a lot of fun. My kids love to throw and break things, and if they can do it with permission, all the better. Rovio, the company behind the hugely successful video game, knows a few things about marketing, and this board game is sure to put a few more dollars in their bank account.
If you want to play the original Crossbows and Catapults, you’re going to need to shell out the bucks as the game is highly collectible. You can buy one on Amazon, but will probably find a better deal on eBay
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