Reis O’Brien over at “Hey Look At My Toys!” is hosting a fun action figure nativity contest to get all of us into the true spirit of Christmas. Here’s my entry…
Be sure to check out the contest to see all the great photos, and while you’re there, cast your vote. Number 2 is a solid choice. 😉
Van says
LOVE. THIS. That is all. Perfection. Casting my vote now!
Brian says
Thanks, Van!
kngfu says
Lion-O as Joseph and Cheetara as Mary is a bold move. Escpecially since Cheetara is older than the lord of the Thundercats (I went to Catholic school and know that Mary was supposed to be young..don’t know much more). Chuck Norris as baby Jesus seems right though.
Brian says
Ha! I had to dig deep to find any female action figure from the 80’s. I took this photo before becoming the proud owner of all those She-Ra figures. 😉