Mondo, oh Mondo, why do you hurt me so? A few weeks ago, I tried placing an order on their site for the Kill Bill poster that sold out in under a minute. I had one in my cart but the site stalled on me before I could finish checking out (sound familiar to all you Matty collectors out there?).
I didn’t really think I would be lucky enough to actually score a copy of the poster, so I wasn’t too upset at the time. Of course, it didn’t help when copies were instantly available on eBay for $1,000!
Anyway, I let it go until this arrived in my inbox last night:
Could it be? Did I still have a chance at this awesome Tyler Stout poster? I clicked like I was running a sprint in the old arcade version of Track & Field, but encountered this:
Whawh, whawh. Cue sad Charlie Brown music.
Mondo, that knife hurts more when you twist it that way. sigh.
Yeesh. What a tease. Stupid shop-bot.
Apparently, I wasn’t the only lucky recipient of the email:
I know it was just a tech error, but that slightest glimmer of hope was there. briefly.
Ouch. That knife cuts deep. 🙁