A Collection a Day #36 – Vintage Batman and Robin pinbacks, originally uploaded by Cool and Collected.
Collecting pinbacks, buttons and badges has been a popular hobby for quite a while. Political collectors are probably the biggest fans of buttons, but I’ll take Batman over Nixon any day.
Pinbacks are a great item to collect because they are readily available and can be affordable. They also take up very little space and are easy to display. No matter what your collecting interest, you can probably find buttons devoted to it.
I have collected so many different things that I thought it would be fun to try and photograph a collection a day and see how far I can get.
I have an old box of crayons..with Batman and Robin on front..
Hate to toss them..They are old and used..
Anyone interested?
Ann Neva
So what is the one packaged in the bag worth? Found the exact same one at a flea market this weekend. Please tell if you know. Thanks
Those actually aren’t too hard to find. $15 is probably a fair price for it.