He teeters… Het totters… He roars… He falls! This large figure is from the King Kong Against the World playset produced by Mego in 1976. The playset came with a large cardboard building and a dart gun. Kids would shoot the buttons on Kong’s chest and try to knock him off the top of the […]
Search Results for: kongtober
KONGTOBER 2 — Famous Monsters of Filmland #125
Famus Monsters of Filmland issue #125 features one of the most iconic images in Hollywood movie poster history. This painting is the work of John Berkey who also did artwork for Orca, The Towering Inferno, Star Wars, and many other sci-fi films. There’s a great writeup about the story behind this painting on the Kong […]
KONGTOBER 1 — King Kong Halloween Costume
Let the Countdown to Halloween begin! This year on Cool & Collected, I will be showcasing items from my King Kong collection. So, without further delay, I officially declare October 2012 as “KONGTOBER 2012!” What better way to kick of the annual Halloween celebration than with a vintage Collegeville costume. I’m not sure what genius […]
The evolution of a collection
As mentioned in my last post, winter is the time of year that I tend to reorganize my collection. There’s just something about this time of year that makes me reassess what interests me, and what I want to see on the shelves. Of course, vintage Batman toys are my primary focus, but over the past […]
K is for King Kong
Regular visitors to this site may be getting tired of me whipping out my Kong so often, but you’re just going to have to deal with it, and really, did you honestly think I had another idea in mind for the letter “K” in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge? The 1976 King Kong movie […]
A is for Apes
I was alerted to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge by Cal up north in his Canadian Cave of Cool yesterday. The idea is that every day in April, you write a blog post with each day’s topic based on a letter of the alphabet. You skip Sundays, which leaves you with 26 days. The […]